Query Performance
Tuning – A Methodical Approach
By Gail Shaw, 2017/02/10 (first
published: 2015/06/08)
source :http://www.sqlservercentral.com/
In both a recent article and
a recent editorial I touched on the need to test and evaluate hard numbers when
doing performance tuning. However the method of doing so may not be immediately
obvious. So for this article, I’m going to take a moderately complex query and
walk through a few attempts at tuning the query, showing tests at each step and
evaluating each step for effectiveness.
, @EndDate DATETIME;
SET @StartDate = '2014/01/01';
SET @EndDate = '2015/01/01';
, DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, p.PostDate), 0) AS Month
, t.Title
, u.UserName
, COUNT(*) AS ThreadPostCount
dbo.Forums AS f
INNER JOIN dbo.Threads AS t
f.ForumID = t.ForumID
INNER JOIN dbo.Posts AS p
t.ThreadID = p.ThreadID
INNER JOIN dbo.Users AS u
p.Poster = u.UserID
t.CreatedOn BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
AND f.IsPublic = 1
, t.Title
, u.UserName;
This isn’t all that complicated a query, and with 25 million
rows in the largest table, it takes around 140 seconds to run on my laptop. Not
half bad for a mess of a query on a database that’s severely lacking in indexes
(because I designed the database that way).
To get more precise performance characteristics, I’m going to
use two things. Statistics IO (because it’s a nice breakdown of reads per
table) and Extended Events (for the CPU, duration and overall reads).
It should go without saying that I’m not doing this tuning
exercise on a production server. But in case it does need to be said, this kind
of work is NOT done on the production server. Firstly doing so will impact the
production server. Second the other load will impact the results of the tests.
We want a dedicated machine for this, with no other users. It’s important when
doing tests like this to ensure that the only variables changing are the ones
that we are testing. We want all tests performed on the same server, from the
same client, with the same processes running on the server.
Turning Statistics IO on is easy. In the same query window, run
this before any other batches.
One thing that needs to be mentioned quickly. Had there been any
user-defined functions within the query, Statistics IO would give incorrect
results. There aren’t any in this code, so Statistics IO should be safe to use.
Had there been UDFs, I’d have to rely
just on Extended Events.
So, let’s gather some stats to start. Physical reads are omitted
because they are zero for all tables. That’s because I always discard the stats
from the first execution as the results will be skewed due to plan compilation
and fetching data from disk. These values are from the second execution of the
query that we are tuning.
Table 'Users'. Scan count 9, logical reads 307.
Table 'Forums'. Scan count 1, logical reads 2.
Table 'Workfile'. Scan count 0, logical reads 0.
Table 'Worktable'. Scan count 0, logical reads 0.
Table 'Threads'. Scan count 9, logical reads 41212.
Table 'Posts'. Scan count 9, logical reads 450549.
Table 'Worktable'. Scan count 0, logical reads 0.
From the output of Stats IO it looks like the two tables,
Threads and Posts, are the ones we need to look at.
Now, here is the Extended Events setup I use to test:
As you can see, capturing just the one event is enough for the
testing we’re doing. Select the Ring Buffer as the storage target. Start the
session and then use the Live Data option to see what it’s picking up.
The performance-related results for out test query are:
I’ve highlighted the query we are tuning. You can ignore the
variable assignment lines. Don’t panic. Tthose duration and CPU values are in
I ran the query 5 times because I want to average the CPU,
duration and reads. As can be seen from the above image, there are variations
in all three across the executions. Hence I want an average so that I don’t
draw conclusions about relative performance of queries from what’s actually
just a slightly higher or lower value within the range of values that one query
has. If one query has vastly different CPU, duration or reads than the others,
then it suggests that some other variable has changed behind the scenes and
that the test should be rerun. Don’t discard the outlier, rerun the entire test
as you don’t know which result is skewed.
If we average those five results, and convert the CPU and
duration to milliseconds, we get:
CPU – 139 008
Duration – 107 822
Reads – 556 4628
There are three tuning options I want to try as part of
optimising this query. I’m not going to play with the text of the query because
it’s not too badly written. Rather I’m going to look at nonclustered indexes on
the Forums and Posts tables, partitioning the Threads table, and converting the
Threads table to a clustered ColumnStore (because, why not?). These aren’t the
only optimisations that could be done to this query, but for the purposes of
this article they’re enough to show the methodology. Further optimisations are
left as an exercise to the reader.
First up, let’s look at the indexes on the Posts and Forums
The Forum table is pretty easy to choose an index for, as we
have a filter on the isPublic column, a join on the ForumID column, and are
returning the ForumName. Let’s start by trying
ON Forums (isPublic, ForumID)
With that index created, we rerun the query and examine the
execution characteristics. We see no improvement worth mentioning. In fact we
get higher CPU, duration, and reads. Not much higher, but there’s definitely no
improvement here and hence the created index didn’t help.
CPU – 142 640
(Previously 139 008)
Duration –
110 458 (Previously 107 822)
Reads – 556 558
(Prevously 556 462)
So we drop the new index on the Forums table and try something
else. The Something Else is an index on the Posts table. There’s no WHERE
clause predicate on that table, but there’s a join on ThreadID, a join to the
Users table on the Poster column, and an aggregation based on a function called
on the PostDate column. Let’s start here by trying
ON Posts (ThreadID, PostDate)
If this was a real tuning exercise, I’d test several index
columns and column orderings, based on what I thought the optimiser might like
best. To keep this article from becoming a book, only one index on each
table is shown, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only one possible. If we were
testing different indexes, we’d take the performance stats for the query with
each index, one by one, then see which index has the best effect, and confirm
by looking at the execution plan that there are no further obvious improvements.
That’s a little out of scope for this article though
And again we rerun the query after creating the index. If we
look at the stats again, we do see an improvement.
CPU – 101 674
(previously 139 008)
Duration – 63 296
(previously 107 822)
Reads – 187 505
(previously 556 462)
That’s a definite improvement, so that index stays.
Next thing I want to try is to partition the Threads table on
the date column, with one partition per year. However if I do that straight
away, I’m going to be making two changes at once. First changing the clustered
index (which is currently on the ThreadID column) and second, partitioning the
table. If there’s a performance improvement I won’t be able to tell which
change was responsible. So the change has to be done in two parts, first change
the clustered index, then test, then partition the table, then test again.
If the table is to be partitioned on the CreatedOn column, then
the logical choice for the altered clustered index is the CreatedOn column.
Yes, we could make a composite on ThreadID and CreatedOn, but that’s overly
Changing the clustered index is a little trickier than a
nonclustered index. Since the clustered index is the enforcing index on the
primary key, any referencing foreign keys need to be dropped before we can do
this and then recreated afterwards.
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX idx_Threads_CreatedOn ON dbo.Threads (CreatedOn)
Again, we run the query we’re testing multiple times and
averaging the CPU, duration and reads. Yes, this can get tedious fast,
especially on slow queries.
CPU – 119 193
(previously 101 674)
Duration – 62 840
(previously 63 296)
Reads – 154 569
(previously 187 505)
The logical reads are down, but CPU is up and duration is barely
changed. I don’t like these results, especially from something with as much
potential to impact other queries as a change to the clustered index. We’ll leave
these for now and try the partitioning, but I’m currently leaning towards
reverting this change.
Partition the table, then run the tests again.
AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES ('2010-01-01', '2011-01-01', '2012-01-01', '2013-01-01', '2014-01-01', '2015-01-01')
CREATE PARTITION SCHEME PartitionByDateToPrimary AS PARTITION DatePartitionPerYear ALL TO ([Primary])
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX idx_Threads_CreatedOn ON dbo.Threads (CreatedOn)
ON PartitionByDateToPrimary (CreatedOn)
CPU – 118 918
(previously 119 193)
Duration – 62 949
(previously 62 840)
Reads – 154 561
(previously 154 569)
Err, no, the change didn’t improve anything. Well to be honest,
that result was pretty much expected as partitioning is not a performance
tuning technique. The process of testing and evaluating results is what this
article is about however, so test partitioning we did.
Given the performance results showing a lack of improvement from
the change of the clustered index and the partitioning, both changes are going
to be discarded. If you’re following the code changes at home, one way is to
restore the backup of the database and re-apply the changes that you’ve tested
and are keeping.
Last thing, let’s try converting the Threads table to a
clustered columnstore. Now ordinarily I wouldn’t do this to a table on an
OLTP-type system. The loss of unique constraints, as well as all other indexes
and foreign keys is a little too much to accept usually.
But since we’re just testing…
DROP INDEX idx_Threads_CreatedOn ON dbo.Threads
And with the columnstore index in place:
CPU – 57 618
(previously 101 674)
Duration – 45 623
(previously 63 296)
Reads – 165 288
(previously 187 505)
Compared to the best so far, that’s a large improvement in CPU
usage, moderate improvement in duration and slight reduction in reads. If this
was a real tuning exercise I may or may not consider implementing the
columnstore index. My decision on whether you implement this would depend on a
lot more than just this one test.
In summary:
Index on Forums table
– not effective
Index on Posts table –
effective, change kept
Change the clustered
index on the Threads table – not effective
Partition the Threads
table by year – not effective
Change the Threads
table to a Clustered Columnstore – effective, change may be kept depending on
other factors including the other queries that use the table and the
DBA/developer’s comfort level with columnstore indexes
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